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A pioneer in architectural visualization and compatible with all the 3D modeling software on the market, Artlantis is the easiest and fastest solution for creating photorealistic renderings and animations.. Artlantis 2021 v9 full version for Windows PC it is a family of stand-alone rendering applications developed for architects and designers.
Handling DXF, DWG, OBJ, FBX and 3DS formats, and from now on IFC format, Artlantis is compatible with almost all 3D modelers currently on the market. This IFC import capability allows the user to receive a rich BIM data scene from a colleague using another modeler and to make any structural modifications to it in his daily work tool.
Specific plug-ins for Archicad, Rhinoceros, Vectorworks, Autodesk Revit, SketchUp and Arc + allow exports to Artlantis.
Artlantis 2021 enters the world of Open BIM! Known and recognized for its almost universal accounting, Artlantis 21 now imports the IFC format. This new performance, concerning the model’s geometry only, allows the Artlantis user to receive any model from an interlocutor using a modeler other than their own and, if necessary, to modify the design directly in their own working tool.
With Artlantis 2021, you can choose the interface: the one offered by default or the new Easy interface. More refined in terms of settings, it has many predefined values and allows you to modify the settings by level such as “high, medium or low”, for example. This approach makes it easier to understand settings, simplifies and speeds up scene-setting. Advanced users or beginners, all can use it according to their habits, their technical knowledge or their preferences.
$730 Original price was: $730.$7Current price is: $7.
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