The ideal of freedom is at the heart of our political and economic system. It is foundational to our sense of justice, our way of life, our conception of what it is to be human. But are we free in the way that we think we are?
In Creating Freedom, Raoul Martinez brings together a torrent of mind-expanding ideas, facts and arguments to dismantle sacred myths central to our society – myths about free will, free markets, free media and free elections. From the lottery of our birth to the consent-manufacturing influence of concentrated wealth and power, this far-reaching manifesto lifts the veil on the mechanisms of control that pervade our lives. It shows that the more we understand how the world shapes us, the more effectively we can shape the world.
A highly original and scholarly exploration of the most urgent questions of our time, it reveals that we are far less free than we like to think, yet it also shows that freedom is something we can create together, and that our very survival may depend on us doing so.
About Author
RAOUL MARTINEZ is an artist, writer, and documentarian. His portraits have been selected for exhibition in London’s National Portrait Gallery, and he has painted leading figures in the arts and academia as well as a series of symbolic works.
Product details
- Full Audiobook MP3 Format
- Full PDF Book Included
- Hardcover: 512 pages
- Publisher: Canongate Books; Main edition (September 29, 2016)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1782111816
- ISBN-13: 978-1782111818