- Full Audiobook MP3 Format
- Full PDF Book Included
- Print Length: 290 pages
- Publisher: Currency (December 28, 2010)
- Publication Date: December 28, 2010
- Language: English
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Most of us grew up with the idea that there is good debt and there is bad debt. Good debts are generally considered to be debts you incur to buy things that can go up in value—like a home or college education. Bad debts are things like credit card balances, where you borrowed money to buy things that depreciate or go down in value, like most consumer goods.
But as America’s favorite financial coach, David Bach, points out, in difficult times there is no such thing as good debt. There is only debt. And all debt is too expensive—if what you desire is FREEDOM! In fact, Bach believes the best investment you can make today is to pay down your debt, faster and smarter than you have ever attempted before—starting today!
In Debt Free for Life, #1 New York Times bestselling author David Bach has written his most groundbreaking and important book since The Automatic Millionaire, giving us the knowledge, the tools, and the mindset we need to get out of debt and achieve financial freedom— forever! Offering a revolutionary approach to personal finance that teaches you how to pay down your debt and adopt a whole new way of living – debt free. Bach unveils the Debt Wise program that empowers you to pare down your debt automatically. You’ll learn how to calculate your Debt Freedom Day – the actual date you will be completely free of debt. And you’ll discover that when you are debt free, you need a lot less money to live on. You can retire, even with a smaller nest egg — perhaps earlier than you expected.
David Bach has coached millions to pay off their debt and now he can guide you. Whether you have home loans, student loans, car loans, credit card debt—paying down your debt is truly a game you can win, if you know the rules. Debt Free For Life will teach you the rules and give you the tools to buy back your freedom.
DAVID BACH is the author of the runaway bestseller The Automatic Millionaire and the national bestsellers Go Green, Live Rich, Smart Women Finish Rich, Smart Couples Finish Rich, The Finish Rich Workbook, and the number one bestsellers, Start Late Finish Rich and The Automatic Millionaire Homeowner. His latest book is Fight for Your Money. Bach has appeared several times on The Oprah Winfrey Show to share his strategies for living and finishing rich, and in several episodes of the CNBC special, The Millionaire Inside. His FinishRich® seminars are the leading financial seminars in North America, having been taught by thousands of financial advisors to more than half a million people in more than 2,000 cities. He lives in New York and has a young son, Jack.
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