- Full Video Program Bonus
- Full PDF Book Included
- Print length: 272 pages
- Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (June 25, 2019)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1119547903
- ISBN-13: 978-1119547907
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Start a successful business mid-life
When you think of someone launching a start-up, the image of a twenty-something techie probably springs to mind. However, Gen Xers and Baby Boomers are just as likely to start businesses and reinvent themselves later in life. Never Too Old to Get Rich is an exciting roadmap for anyone age 50+ looking to be their own boss and launch their dream business.
This book provides up-to-date resources and guidance for launching a business when you’re 50+. There are snappy profiles of more than a dozen successful older entrepreneurs, describing their inspirational journeys launching businesses and nonprofits, followed by Q&A conversations, and pull-out boxes containing action steps. The author walks you through her three-part fitness program: guidelines for becoming financially fit, physically fit, and spiritually fit, before delving more deeply into how would-be entrepreneurs over 50 can succeed.
Never Too Old to Get Rich is the ideal book for older readers looking to pursue new business ventures later in life.
KERRY HANNON is a nationally recognized expert and strategist on career transitions, personal finance, and retirement. She is a frequent TV and radio commentator and is a sought-after keynote speaker at conferences across the country. Kerry focuses on empowering yourself to do more with your career and personal finances―now and for the future.
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