In this eye-opening book, Parkman shows how we can use our heads―in addition to our hearts―to find wedded bliss and avoid a failed marriage. Smart Marriage provides a framework Parkman claims will increase the chance of long-term success in marriage and help couples to weather the storms that come with all marriages. This framework will enable couples to jointly make good decisions, avoid financial stress and the other traps that bring so many into divorce court, and do right by the most important outcome of most marriages: the children.
It might seem too practical, at first, to apply a business strategy to such an intimate and emotional quest as love and marriage. But a front page article in the Wall Street Journal in 2006 summed it up this way: In their rush down the aisle, couples often think love will overcome any disagreements about savings and spending. It doesn’t. So even among the most compatible couples, the pre-wedding vow of personal-finance silence leads to frustration, fights, and power struggles. And divorce, adds economist Allen Parkman. So look―and talk―before you leap.
In this eye-opening book, Parkman shows how we can use our heads―in addition to our hearts―to find wedded bliss and avoid a failed marriage. Smart Marriage provides a framework Parkman claims will increase the chance of long-term success in marriage and help couples to weather the storms that come with all marriages. This framework will enable couples to jointly make good decisions, avoid financial stress and the other traps that bring so many into divorce court, and do right by the most important outcome of most marriages: the children.
About the Author
Allen M. Parkman is a nationally known economist specializing in marriage and family issues. Currently Regents’ Professor of Management at the University of New Mexico, he served a year as Senior Staff Economist for the President’s Council of Economic Advisors in Washington, D.C. Parkman holds dual doctorates, in economics and law, and served as Visting Scholar at the Institute for Research in Social Sciences at the University of York.
Product details
- Full PDF E-Book Included
- Good Quality PDF for Print
- Print Length : 200 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0275994554
- ISBN-13 : 978-0275994556
- Publisher : Praeger; 1st Edition (September 30, 2007)
- Language: : English