- Full Audiobook MP3 Format
- Full PDF Book Included
- Print Length: 224 pages
- Publisher: Get Smart Books (August 13, 2019)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1949709469
- ISBN-13: 978-1949709469
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Customers, followers, subscribers.
It’s easy to just look at the numbers. How many likes? How many purchases? How many email subscribers?
But as entrepreneurs, we have to remember that there are people behind all that data. People who are looking to us to be a leader, to give advice, and to care. In this dog-eat-dog world, these are the people who are looking for someone who they can trust, and who they know have their best interests in mind.
These are the people, if you connect with them in the right way, who will become Superfans.
Followers may “like” an Instagram post. Customers may buy a product. But “Superfans” will be your biggest supporters. They will promote you and your products because they know you have made a difference in their lives. They will tell their friends. They will send you encouraging emails.
Whether you’re a shy YouTuber just starting out, or the leader of a Fortune 500 company, your superfans are out there waiting for you to connect with them.
You don’t need to change the entire world to build a successful business; you just need to change someone’s world.
People don’t become superfans the moment they find you. They become superfans because of the magical moments you create for them over time.
Pat Flynn is a popular podcaster, author, and founder of several successful websites, including SmartPassiveIncome.com, where he helps people build thriving online businesses. He has been featured in Forbes and in The New York Times for his work. He calls himself “The Crash Test Dummy of Online Business” because he loves to put himself on the line and experiment with various business strategies so that he can report his findings publicly to his audience. He is also the author of Let Go and Wall Street Journal best seller Will It Fly?. Pat lives in San Diego.
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