Seth Godin calls for the end of mass and for the beginning of offering people more choices, more interests and giving them more authority to operate in ways that reflect their own unique values. A celebration of choice, of treating different people differently and of embracing the notion that everyone deserves the dignity and respect that comes from being heard.
World of Warcrafters, LARPers, Settlers of Catan? Weird.
Beliebers, Swifties, Directioners? Weirder.
Paleos, vegans, carb loaders, ovolactovegetarians? Pretty weird.
Mets fans, Yankees fans, Bears fans? Definitely weird.
Face it. We’re all weird.
So why are companies still trying to build products for the masses?
Why are we still acting like the masses even exist?
Weird is the new normal. And only companies that figure that out have any chance of survival. This book shows you how.
About the Author
Seth Godin is the author of eighteen international bestsellers—including Purple Cow and Tribes—that have changed the way people think about marketing, leadership, change, and the way ideas spread. He founded Yoyodyne and Squidoo, is a successful (and unsuccessful) entrepreneur, and is a very popular lecturer. He publishes inspiration daily on his blog, consistently ranked as one of the one hundred most popular in the world.
Product details
- Full Audiobook MP3 Program
- Full PDF E-Book Included
- ISBN-10 : 1455821195
- ISBN-13 : 978-1455821198
- Publisher : Brilliance Audio; Unabridged Edition (September 21, 2011)
- Language: : English