Boosting Your Emotional Intelligence
We have all had experiences with people that prove that those with the highest IQs are not always the most successful. What could these very smart people be missing? Chances are it’s emotional intelligence (EQ) – the ability to perceive, understand, and manage emotions in ourselves and others.
Sounds very powerful, doesn’t it? Could we really manage our own emotions, as opposed to having our emotions run the show? Could we really effect change in the emotions of our coworkers or family members? The answer to all these questions is a resounding “yes”.
Whether or not you understand your emotions and their resultant behaviors, they leave their impacts like footprints – for better or worse – all over the situations and people with whom you interact throughout your life, as well as affecting your cognition, decision-making, and physical body. And while some aspects of your EQ are inherited, the vast majority of EQ skills can be acquired at any age. In Boosting Your Emotional Intelligence, Dr. Jason Satterfield shares how to identify and regulate your own emotions, how to manage emotions in others, a step-by-step process for building your own interactive Skills Tracker to improve your personal EQ, and where to find numerous resources to improve your EQ as an ongoing, unlimited learning experience.
With the tools and skills you gather from this exciting course, you will be able to improve your emotional intelligence now and throughout your life – using your emotions as you want, to help you reach your own personal goals
About the Author
Professor Jason M. Satterfield is Professor of Clinical Medicine, Director of Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Director of Behavioral Medicine in the Division of General Internal Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). He earned his B.S. in Brain Sciences from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. He currently directs the UCSF Behavioral Medicine Unit, which integrates mental and behavioral health services into adult primary care. Professor Satterfield’s book, A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach to the Beginning of the End of Life: Minding the Body, was recognized as a Self-Help Book of Merit by the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.
Product details
- Full Audiobook MP3 Program
- Full PDF Guidebook Included
- Listening Length 12 hours and 40 minutes
- Author Jason M. Satterfield, The Great Courses
- Narrator Jason M. Satterfield
- Release Date June 23, 2017
- Publisher The Great Courses
- Version Original recording
- Language English