Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition
Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition, Second Edition is a thorough revision and 20% expansion of the 1998 release, reflecting the continuing scientific advances in the field of human nutrition. Now a four-volume set, nearly 300 articles with concise, up-to-date information are complemented by an award-winning indexing system. Included is expanded coverage of epidemiology of diet-related diseases, functional foods, food safety, clinical nutrition and gastrointestinal disorders. Virtually everyone will find the Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition an easy-to-use resource making it an ideal reference choice for both the professional and the non-professional alike.
Also available online via ScienceDirect – featuring extensive browsing, searching, and internal cross-referencing between articles in the work, plus dynamic linking to journal articles and abstract databases, making navigation flexible and easy. For more information, pricing options and availability visit www.info.sciencedirect.com.
- Now a four-volume set with over 250 articles
- Expanded coverage of epidemiology of diet-related diseases, functional foods, food safety, and gastrointestinal disorders, among other topics
- Browse the whole work by volume, authors or article titles
- Full and extensive subject index can be searched or browsed online, and takes you directly to the indexed paragraph, section, figure or table
- Basic and advanced search functionality across the entire work or by specific volume
- Users can build, save and re-run seraches, as well as combine saved searches
- Extensive internal cross-referencing and dynamic linking from biliographic references to primary-source material, increasing the scope of your research rapidly and effectively
- All articles available as full-text HTML files, or as PDF files that can be viewed, downloaded or printed in their original format
About the Author
Dr. Caballero is Professor of International Health at the Bloomberg School of Public Health, and Professor of Pediatrics at the School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University. He has over 20 years of experience as a scholar, researcher and leader in the area of child health and nutrition. He obtained his MD from the University of Buenos Aires and his PhD (in neuroendocrine regulation) from MIT. He started his faculty career at Harvard Medical School, and moved to Johns Hopkins in 1990 to found the Center for Human Nutrition.
Product Details
- Full PDF E-Book with Good Quality
- Title : Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition, Volume 1
- Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition, Benjamin Caballero
- Author: Benjamin Caballero, Lindsay Allen, Andrew Prentice
- Contributor Benjamin Caballero
- Edition 2, illustrated
- Publisher : Elsevier Science, 2005
- Original from the University of Michigan
- Digitized : 22 Jul 2008
- ISBN : 0121501108, 9780121501105
- Total page : 2000 pages
- Digital Download
- File Size : 20MB
- Secure Download with Google Drive