Basic principles of the real estate deal analysis
Get familiar with the 11 most used ratios in the real estate deal financial analysis
The 3 types of financial ratios that are used for analysing of all kinds of assets and how they are applied for the real estate deals
The advantages and disadvantages of each financial ratio that is presented
When do you need to apply one or another ratio calculation in order to get the relevant comparison with the market
Some basic concepts used in the financial analysis as the “Time value of money” concept
Which of the financial parameters is the KING among them all and is most reliable
Which parameters could mislead you
Which ratios have “pitfalls” and how to avoid them
About the Instructor
Svetoslav Deltchev
Real estate Investor
As a real estate investor, Svetoslav Deltchev has invested in over 30 rental properties ranging from apartments to beauty studios.
Svetoslav has a degree in Finance and Investments from the Technical University in Berlin, Germany. During the period 2008 – 2014 he was privileged to be the Managing Director of Immorent Bulgaria, part of Erste Bank Group – one of the largest financial services providers in Central and Eastern Europe.
His exceptional ability to create passive income streams through real estate properties allowed him to quit the (highly-paid) 9 to 5 job and focus full-time on property investment, teaching, and his family.