Welcome to my course Learn Ethical Hacking With Termux : Android Tutorial 2021.
In this course you will learn how to Hack and Secure with termux with your Android device from scratch, you don’t need to have any prior knowledge about Hacking, Linux, Android and even Computers. This course is highly practical but it won’t neglect the theory; we’ll start with ethical hacking basics. In this course, you will learn the practical side of ethical hacking.This course is designed for everyone out there who want to learn how to learn ethical hacking in new and fun way with Android devices.
This Course Includes Complete Termux Tutorials In Ethical Hacking & Information Security.

Features :-
- It allow you to ssh your remote server via openssh.
- You can also ssh into your android devices from any remote system
- You could choose any shells such as BASH, ZSH AND FIST ETC
- You can choose different text editor such as emacs, nano. and vim to edit/ view files.
- Install any packages of your choice in your android devices using apt packages manager. up to date version of git, perl, python, ruby and node. js are all available.
- Connect your android device with a bluetooth, keyboard, mouse and external display and use it like a convergence device.
- Termux supports keyboard shortcuts.
- Termux allows you to run almost all GNU/ LINUX Commands.
Important notice –
We are also giving you study material as pdf in our course . you can download it when you enroll in our course.
Who this course is for:
- Beginner students
- Students curious about Ethical Hacking and Information Security
- Anybody interested in learning how hackers hack the systems
- Person who want to learn ethical hacking with Termux.
- We are also giving you study material as pdf in our course . you can download it when you enroll in our course
Sagar Raghuwan
Ethical Hacker & Penetration Tester
MySelf Sagar Raghuwan. I am an Indian Ethical Hacker and Penetration Tester. I making videos and teaching online. Now i want to share my valuable knowledge and experience!
In my courses i like to teach in a very easy and simple manner. All of my courses start with basics then i teach some of the advanced topic and at last i give real world examples.
My course are easy to learn, informative and updated. Conducted more different training sessions on various topics related to Cyber Security, Ethical Hacking, Forensic Investigations, Linux and Network Security to an audience comprising Students.
My research interests include Information Security, Networking and Security, Data Forensic, and Computer Security.