The Basics of Dynamic Content for WordPress with Elementor Pro
The Basics of Dynamic Content for WordPress with Elementor Pro by Rino De Boer — SkillShare
In this class, I explain in detail how you use dynamic content. The best way to add new content to the website from the back end, like blog posts, products, services, or people. Learn in this video about Custom dynamic fields, custom post types, archive pages, listings, and much more.
This is an explainer video that is perfect for everyone that wants to start building websites with dynamic content. The next step after simple websites with Elementor Pro.
I will tell you everything you need to know to get started. Starting with: What is dynamic content on a website, all the way to all the possibilities with dynamic content.
Hands-on Class Project
In this class project, you get some exercises to see if you understand everything I told you.
1. What is the purpose of the following things?
- Custom Post type
- Listing
- Custom fields
- Archive page
2. Name 10 different types of websites that use dynamic content.
I already gave you some examples, but what kind of other website can you come up with.
Product details
- Full Video Tutorials
- Video Format: MP4
- 7 Lessons
- Language: English
- Download File Size : 267MB
- Secure Download with Google Drive