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The Myth of Male Power: Why Men Are the Disposable Sex

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The Myth of Male Power: Why Men Are the Disposable Sex

Dr. Warren Farrell has embarked upon an extraordinary mission that concerns us all – to bring the sexes back together. Backed by a stunning array of facts, The Myth of Male Power shatters the singular assumption that most keeps men and women apart – the belief that men have the power. This myth, says Dr. Farrell, hurts everyone – by making women feel oppressed and angry and men feel unloved and unappreciated. It has fueled hate between the sexes at a point in history that would otherwise have the greatest potential for love between the sexes. It has done this by keeping us ignorant of male powerlessness. This courageous book, filled with staggering facts gathered from numerous reliable sources, will empower both sexes to ask the questions we need to begin a genuine dialogue, such as: If men are the powerful sex why are they the suicide sex? (Why are we unaware that our grandfathers are 1350 percent more likely to commit suicide than our grandmothers?) Why did men live one year less than women in 1920 but live seven years less than women in 1990? Why are our dads about as likely to die of prostate cancer as our mothers are of breast cancer while breast cancer receives 660 percent more funding? Why do men make more money but have lower net worths? As the only man ever elected three times to the Board of the National Organization for Women (NOW) in New York City, Dr. Farrell has been listening to both sexes for a quarter of a century and is uniquely able to write in a way that both articulates men’s feelings and helps women feel more love for the men in their lives. As a man who has taught in numerous disciplines, he takes us throughout history, across cultures, and into our psyches today.He helps us understand why feminism helped us see that God could be a she but not that the devil could also be a she; why the political parties are keeping women dependent in exchange for votes; why conservatives, liberals, and feminists are all unconsciously undermining genuine.

About the Author

Warren Thomas Farrell is an American educator, activist and author of seven books on men’s and women’s issues.

He came to prominence in the 1970s, championing the cause of second wave feminism, and serving on the New York City Board of the National Organization for Women (NOW). However, he left NOW and is now recognized as an important figure in the modern men’s movement.

His books cover ten fields: history, law, sociology and politics (The Myth of Male Power); couples’ communication (Women Can’t Hear What Men Don’t Say, and Father and Child Reunion); economic and career issues (Why Men Earn More); child psychology and child custody (Father and Child Reunion); and teenage to adult psychology and socialization (Why Men Are The Way They Are and The Liberated Man). All of his books are related to men’s and women studies; consistent to his books since the early 90’s has been a call for a gender transition movement.

Product details

  • Full Audiobook MP3 Format
  • Full PDF E-Book Included
  • Listening Length: 3 hours and 8 minutes
  • Author: Warren Farrell
  • Narrator: Warren Farrell
  • Release Date: June 12, 2014
  • Publisher: Dr. Warren Farrell
  • Language English
  • ASIN B00KY80AX0
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