With Winning the Trading Game, investment expert Noble DraKoln helps you develop and refine the mental discipline and practical skills needed to ensure trading success. This detailed guide will put you in a better position to use technical analysis to identify profitable trades and exit losing trades; maximize the leverage available in futures and Forex, without endangering your capital base; and control risk by utilizing appropriate strategies for each type of opportunity and time frame.
Nobody understands this better than author and investment expert Noble DraKoln, and with Winning the Trading Game, he’ll help you develop and refine the mental discipline and practical skills needed to ensure success in the three essential areas of trading: money management, technical analysis, and risk control. Divided into three comprehensive parts, this reliable resource:
- Part I: More Life at the End of Your Money puts a magnifying glass to major market trends, what it takes to be a successful trader, and the basics of futures and Forex trading
- Part II: Why 95% of Investors Fail at Futures and Forex takes a critical look at why everyday stock strategies simply don’t work, provides you with the tools to properly select and monitor trades, and discusses what it takes to overcome the destructive elements of fear and greed
- Part III: Seven Lessons for Trading Success pulls everything together and outlines the important lessons you need to learn in order to excel within the futures and Forex markets
Filled with in-depth insights and expert advice, Winning the Trading Game will help you use technical analysis to identify profitable trades and exit losing trades; maximize the leverage available in futures and Forex, without endangering your capital base; and control risk by utilizing appropriate strategies for each type of opportunity and time frame.
With an organized approach to trading, you can be part of the 5% who consistently succeed. Let Winning the Trading Game show you how.
About the Author
Noble DraKoln is President of Liverpool Group Inc., a futures and Forex brokerage firm, where he focuses on the development, management, and promotion of the company’s core philosophy of “focusing on the trader not the trading.” Prior to this role, DraKoln served as a broker in the retail division of Royal Financial Inc. and as a professional sugar trader. He speaks regularly at industry conferences in the United States and Europe, and has written articles for numerous financial publications.
Product details
- Full PDF E-Book
- Publisher : Wiley; 1st edition (March 21, 2008)
- Language : English
- Total pages : 304 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0470169958
- ISBN-13 : 978-0470169957
- Digital Download
- File Size : 2.8MB
- Safe Download with Google Drive